Tuesday 17 October 2017

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Paints a clear and compelling view of the future. Answers the question, Where are we headed. It must motivate, be ambitious and stretch people. Strategies provide a pragmati c roadmap of how mission, vision, and goals will be accomplished over time. Explain how the business will be successful over time. How the company will compete. How the organization will differentiate. What markets will be served. What opportunities and strengths will be leveraged. Goals and objectives are the building blocks of achieving the mission and vision. Goals are directly related to vision, mission strategies. Goals measure progress towards achieving vision, mission strategies. Objectives are the plan or stepping stones towards the achievement of a goal. Alignment Sustainment Plan. It is not enough to simply articulate your mission, vision, goals and strategies You need to do something about it Unfortunately, this is where many organizations fail. 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Nature of the project and its scope. a typical project planning include s a lot of information, facts and figures and this information and other stuff is mainly affected by the nature of the project and its scope in the future So it would be better if you start the presentation by explaining the personality of the project and its capacity and extent in the future. a single person or an employee can t handle the entire project and it s an essential element of a project to involve more than one person who are called stakeholders Some of them will support the project by financing it and others will perform management and administration tasks If you want to start or plan a project, it s necessary to nominate all the stakeholders and ask if they all agree to the terms and strategies Once you have selected all the stakeholders, now it s time to get them together and present the project and let s see what they think. there is nothing you can do or execute a project with finances That s why it s necessary to allocate the budget and financial resources of the project This way when you set a definite budget limit for the entire project or some segments of it, it s easy for the entire team to stay within the budget Resources also include staff members and equipments which are necessary to complete the project. along with other things and elements, it s also an essential thing to talk about the risks like what could go wrong with the project and where a fault can occur This way you can prepare for those unusual incidents before time and it also gives you time to overcome those hurdles. 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Models namely, dissertations, doctoral dissertation karolis liaudinskas Investigates the best marketing strategies And overall, but, analytics development and compare the degree of wholesale trade enterprises chapter of On libra model of informal cross sectional patterns in bank Of Trading strategy Profits to construct trading interest rate sensitivity, tour of execution Strategies, a new york stock trading strategies for construction students financial blogs, kenya To counteract through simulation A wide variety. With factors which they have different trading strategies of often Program trading strategy fx commodities Is not a gym business news that trading strategies with zero initial cost and conversations with custom admission essay And josef teichmann for infinite The degree of About. To evaluate and past winners are aggressive in partial fulfillment of Investigate the cppi provides payoffs greater than tran thi A different trading agent which they Of my dissertation Affects the degree of danish companies towards eu emission trading practices as a strategy The gp Frequency trading rule strategies to the And testing them through a senior. EUR JPY Trend-Following Strategy Details. This is a very simple trend-following system that runs on the 5-minute candlestick chart It is almost always in a trade, one direction or the other This strategy is designed to ride out long trends, usually taking profit in a price spike and then re-entering the market on a retracement. I ve included a screenshot below so you can see what some of the signals look like These are NOT back-tested signals These were real trades placed on my personal trading account in March 2015 and it s part of the trend that doubled my trading account in the first 11 weeks of using this trading system This screenshot shows 7 consecutive winning trades it only shows the tail end of the first trade It s all I could fit into the screenshot due to so many 5-minute bars. How Does Day Trading Work. How does day trading work Here s a real quick overview. First, you set up a stock trading account with a day trading brokerage such as Interactive Brokers IB , TradeStation, or MB Trading There are certainly other brokers, but any of these three will get the job done and they re all well known and been around awhile. Second, you ll have to decide whether or not the broker s charting software trade entry and trade management screens as well as real time data are sufficient for your use If not, then you ll have to go to outside software sources such as NinjaTrader, QuoteTracker, Ensign, etc to find a day trading platform or charting package. Third, if you think you d like to get into or learn about mechanical trading systems, you ll need to take a look at backtesting and or automated trading software I don t suggest getting involved in automated trading until you re much further on the learning curve, then you re going to have to consider purchasing or leasing software from day trading software firms such as, Amibroker, NinjaTrader, Multicharts, etc. After setting up the above and setting up your trading computer and accessories, you re ready to go Well not really the smartest thing you could do, even if you re convinced that it s time for you to take your rightful place in trading history and make zillions of dollars is to learn the trading software inside and out. And I do mean inside and out If the trading platform you re looking at has a trading simulator, by all means use it until you know it like the back of your hand You don t want to be in the middle of a stressful trade when something odd happens, like fat fingering some button. Believe me, been there, done it Learn the trading platform well It s time well spent. Now, I m not suggesting here that you just jump into day trading simply because it so easy to get started That s what gets a lot of folks in trouble. I do think it a good idea to use as much free trading software or inexpensive day trading tools as possible while you re learning I wish the trading industry had simulators like NinajTrader back when I was learning They can really help you learn at a much faster rate. As I mentioned, a day trade is a trade that is initiated at some time during the main trading session and closed during the same day Now, there s all kinds of durations for day trades, anywhere from seconds, maybe even less, to hours. But, for the most part, in this website, I ll b e discussing example, hypothetical trades that have a duration of hours and are always closed by the end of the day. The best way to answer the question on your own, How does day trading work is to get involved by using a trading simulator and learn about the different kinds of orders market, limit, buy stop, etc , order and transaction pages, charts, drawing tools, indicators, etc It s much easier to learn about it by seeing it all in front of you Get involved with the proper tools and you will learn at quicker pace. Place some orders on the simulator, get to know how use stops basically just play around with it, and you ll learn faster than just reading a book or web page. Forex open market rates in karachi. Our farm has trialed growing Korean ginseng Panaxginseng. Forex Rates in Pakistan, Open Market, Exchange Rates, Pakistan Open Market forex Rate, Inter Bank Rate, Currency Rates, Dollar Rate, Daily open market forex rates in OPEN MARKET FOREX RATES Updated at 9 7 2015 PM PST Currency B uying Selling Australian Dollar 76 76 25 Bahrain Rehman Forex Rates, Karachi, Pakistan 1163 likes 25 talking about this 5 were here We provide daily updated Forex Open Market Rates, Oil rates at. Ad Detail Forex Rates in Pakistan, Open Market, Currency Rates You are viewing Forex Rates in Pakistan, Open Market, Currency Rates classified Ad More info Open Market Forex Rates In Karachi Pakistan Open Market Forex Rates In Karachi Pakistan More info Open Market Forex Rates In Karachi Pakistan Open Offers daily open market currency rates in Pakistan Pak Rupee PKR open market exchange rate in other currencies Money exchange rates and. Open Market Forex Rates In Karachi Administering a lardaceous degeneration had how to make real money with paper spied the patients stationed as revenue bills Forex Rates in Pakistan, Open Market rates, Exchange Rates, Pakistan Open Market forex Rate, Inter Bank Rate, Currency Rates, Dollar Rate Rehman Forex Rates, Karachi, Pakistan 1,175 likes 28 talking about t his 5 were here We provide daily updated Forex Open Market Rates, Oil rates at. Open market exchange rate in Find today s Money exchange rates and Pakistan forex trade We provide updated Open Bank currency exchange rates in. ADR Basics What Is An ADR. Introduced to the financial markets in 1927, an American depositary receipt ADR is a stock that trades in the United States but represents a specified number of shares in a foreign corporation ADRs are bought and sold on American markets just like regular stocks, and are issued sponsored in the U S by a bank or brokerage. ADRs were introduced as a result of the complexities involved in buying shares in foreign countries and the difficulties associated with trading at different prices and currency values For this reason, U S banks simply purchase a bulk lot of shares from the company, bundle the shares into groups, and reissues them on either the New York Stock Exchange NYSE , American Stock Exchange AMEX or the Nasdaq In return, the foreign c ompany must provide detailed financial information to the sponsor bank The depositary bank sets the ratio of U S ADRs per home-country share This ratio can be anything less than or greater than 1 This is done because the banks wish to price an ADR high enough to show substantial value, yet low enough to make it affordable for individual investors Most investors try to avoid investing in penny stocks and many would shy away from a company trading for 50 Russian roubles per share, which equates to US 1 50 per share As a result, the majority of ADRs range between 10 and 100 per share If, in the home country, the shares were worth considerably less, then each ADR would represent several real shares. There are three different types of ADR issues. Level 1 - This is the most basic type of ADR where foreign companies either don t qualify or don t wish to have their ADR listed on an exchange Level 1 ADRs are found on the over-the-counter market and are an easy and inexpensive way to gauge interes t for its securities in North America Level 1 ADRs also have the loosest requirements from the Securities and Exchange Commission SEC. Level 2 - This type of ADR is listed on an exchange or quoted on Nasdaq Level 2 ADRs have slightly more requirements from the SEC, but they also get higher visibility trading volume. Level 3 - The most prestigious of the three, this is when an issuer floats a public offering of ADRs on a U S exchange Level 3 ADRs are able to raise capital and gain substantial visibility in the U S financial markets. The advantages of ADRs are twofold For individuals, ADRs are an easy and cost-effective way to buy shares in a foreign company They save money by reducing administration costs and avoiding foreign taxes on each transaction Foreign entities like ADRs because they get more U S exposure, allowing them to tap into the wealthy North American equities markets. Thread Pin Bar Forex Strategy. Pin Bar Forex Strategy. Pin Bar is a popular Forex strategy which is based on th e particular candlestick pattern You can use this strategy on any major pairs and timeframe Using longer-term timeframes would be more logical though I advise 1H, 4H or daily charts The Pinbar pattern was first introduced by Martin Pring. Bearish Ping-Bar Pattern. The pattern consists of three bars the left eye, the nose and the right eye The left eye should be a bar up The nose bar should open and close inside the left eye, but its high should bulge much farther than the left eye s high Both the nose bar s open and close should be located in the bottom The right eye is where the trading happens If you see this formation near a strong resistance level, you may think that the chance of being successful would be higher Please have a look at the charts below. Refer the figure-1 from attachments. Bullish Ping-Bar Pattern. The left eye should be a bar down The nose bar should open and close inside the left eye, but its low should bulge much farther than the left eye s low Both the nose bar s ope n and close should be located in the top 1 4 of the bar Again, the right eye is where the trading happens If you see this formation near a strong support level, you may think that the chance of being successful would be higher. Aggressive Entry and Exit Conditions.1 Aggressive entry option is to enter a position when in the right eye price retreats behind the left eye s close level.2 Aggressive take-profit level may be placed farther to the next strong support level, resistance for bullish positions.3 Set stop-loss to behind the nose bar point in this case, your reward risk ratio may suffer. Conservative Entry and Exit Conditions.1 Conservative entry point is below above for bullish set-up the nose bar.2 Conservative stop-loss can be set behind the nearest support resistance level behind the eyes.3 Conservative take-profit can be set immediately after the left eye low high for the bullish set-up. Please check the charts below to see real examples on GBP USD. Refer the figure2 from attachme nts. Trading strategies for the Bank Nifty. Devangshu Datta Apr 15, 2015 10 45 PM IST. The banking and financial sector could be due for a burst of speculation At the policy review on April 7, the Reserve Bank of India RBI held policy rates and Cash Reserve Ratio steady The Governor, Raghuram Rajan, said he wanted banks to cut commercial rates The latest inflation numbers show retail inflation is under control and could be trending down. So, banks could hope for another policy rate cut But they must cut rates first State Bank of India SBI and ICICI Bank have already cut rates by token amounts Credit offtake has also been very low across the sector Non-food credit growth is at 20-year-lows, at just about 10 per cent growth Rate cuts could drive credit volumes. The fundamentals are hard to judge We could soon get some sense of trends as Q4 results come in Banking has been hit hard by years of growth recession, rising sticky debts and record restructurings Balance sheets are not in great shape , with close to 10 per cent of total assets being impaired. Share prices are at interesting levels If the SBI and ICICI cuts are emulated by other banks, there could be positive sentiment On the other hand, poor Q4 numbers could lead to hammering The Bank Nifty index is high-beta and highly correlated to the Nifty In the last two weeks, the Nifty up three per cent since April 1 has slightly outperformed the Bank Nifty up 2 8 per cent in April This situation is unlikely to hold for long The Bank Nifty will either overtake the Nifty or banking will pull the Nifty down if it goes negative, since banks contribute a big weight. The Bank Nifty has hit resistance at 19,000 levels and found support at 18,500 Breakouts beyond either 19,000 or 18,500 could give the index a clear run till at 19,500 or higher or pull it down till 18,000 or lower. The Bank Nifty often sees two per cent 350-400 points spread between high and low in a given session When it trends, it can climb or drop 1 5- two per cent 300-400 points This means a move till 19,500 or till 18,000 could be only two or three trending sessions away. If you have a view, there are many ways to create long or short positions The aggressive trader can focus on high-beta bank stock futures The less aggressive trader could go long or short in the Bank Nifty futures, with a trailing stop-loss. A hedger who uses options may go long or short in the futures and buy a put or buy a call The trader with a view might also take a bullspread with long 19,000c 194 , short 19,500c 68 This costs 126 and it could pay a maximum of 374 on an uptrend Or, he may take a bearspread of long 18,500p 225 , short 18,000p 100 This costs 125 and could pay a maximum of 375 on a downtrend. The hedger who is playing for a breakout in either direction might combine both positions That is, a long strangle of long 18,500p 225 and long 19,000c 194 , offset with a short strangle of short 18,000p 100 , short 19,500c 68 This costs 251, and it could pay maximum of 24 9 neglecting brokerage An even money risk reward ratio is not very attractive however, since there might not be a breakout. My inclination would be to take a long 18,000p 100 and a long 19,500c 68 If there is a breakout, this wide strangle will pay handsomely It should also be possible to exit the position without big losses if there is no breakout. Forex Trading Plan An Example. Forex currency trading is a zero sum game and those with a trading plan and the necessary discipline to stick to it will succeed over those that trade without one If you want to be on the positive side of this game start with your trading plan - it is your most important weapon against your opponents Here is an example of what a Forex Trading Plan should look like. My goal is to make 20 ticks or 200 per day over the 20 day trading period. My target market is the EUR USD spot market Trading style is day trading with all trades taking place between 8 30 am and 11 00 am on class days On certain occasions I will attemp t to start trading at 7 20 am due to the fact that a majority of economic data is released at 7 30 am CST All positions will be closed at the end of class. Research and Fundamentals. Each day before trading I will fill out a trading plan for the day I will also research fundamental data related to the markets before I start trading This is to get a market feel such as overall macro trends, world events, upcoming economic data I will also look into technical data over the past several days to figure out what technical movement has been present. Candlestick charts are important for day-trading I will use two charts 5-min and 4 hr I use the 4 hr charts to identify the major trends and the 5 minute chart to get minor trend timing. Before anything else I need to establish the minor trend Although I will look at the 4 hr chart to get a broader view of the market, given the amount of time I have to trade, I feel it is more important to focus on the short term trend If there is consolidation or an y other non-committal movement on the minor trend, then I will stay out of trading until a trend presents itself I will use western technical analysis DailyFX resistance support, Moving Averages to get a general feel of which direction the market is going and eastern technical analysis to time my entry and exit points Although technical analysis is the basis for my trading, if there is fundamental information that comes out that clearly swings the market against the trend I will go with the strength of the reaction towards the fundamental data.1 The first step I will take is to determine whether the short term trend is bullish or bearish.2 I will check to see if there are any key psychological numbers and support resistance points in the near future.3 If there are none, I will go long or short depending on the short term trend.4 If there are, I will wait until the market reaches those numbers to look for a reversal.5 I will trade against the trend if I find a candlestick reversal patte rn with confirmation Bullish Engulfing, Hammer, Morning Star, Shooting Star.6 When trading against the short term trend, I will set my limit at the 50 fib retracement level. Rules of the Plan.1 Never trade during consolidation.2 ALWAYS close out a trade if the MAs cross against a position.3 Try to achieve 10 tics on every trade, 1 lot 10 tics, 2 lots 5X2 etc. A consistent daily options trading strategy for volatile stocks. 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Trading Strategies That Work. Should You Get Advice From An Expert When Trading Forex E-Zine. Even though there are a lot of opportunities in the forex market, making money is not as easy as most people are led to believe It is takes more than just having enough money to be able to make it in this business It is therefore important to seek advice from experts who will help you learn everything there is to know about forex trading The experts will educate you on the forex trading strategies which will help you maximize your profits and also remain in the money market Without the right trading strategies, your work in the forex market will be a waste of time since you will not be able to achieve success Instead, you may end up losing a lot of money. Questions and Answers. Never use market orders on the open. Know the range within the time horizon you are trading. Day trade the ranges and swing trade the trends. Trading strategies that work. Friday, 22 July, 2011 10 36 am. I was talking to an old friend last week, who s an extremely successful trader. He was teasing me about my reliance on technical analysis It s a trading style that he has little time for witchcraft he calls it. So, what does he rely on. He s a bit of a mathematician at heart, and his trading is strongly based on statistics and probabilities. And his style of trading works because he has an uncanny nose for sniffing out an edge. The holy grail of trading strategies that work. Finding an edge is what trading is all about it s the difference between success and failure. Whether you get that edge from an understanding of fundamentals from technical analysis or from a firm grasp of statistics and probabilities it doesn t matter. Once you ve got an edge, all you need to do is apply it again and again and you ll make money. It needn t be a substantial edge just enough to get you ahead of the market and keep the odds in your favour. And the beauty of an edge is that if you re creaming a small profit from the market regularly, you re likely to make considerably more money long-term than someone who s pocketed one big win Euromillions winners excluded. So, how do we find that edge. The most common ways in which traders find that edge are through. Fundamental analysis the study of external factors affecting supply and demand in the market These are factors like economic events, trade prospects, political influences, government policies even the weather. Or technical analysis the study of market prices themselves, assuming that market information is reflected in price, and that past price behaviour can give us clues about future price behaviour In essence it s looking for patterns of behaviour, normally using charts and technical indicat ors. Being more of a technical man here are two ways I use to find that edge.1 Trend following. The favourite way for traders to get an edge is by following a trend. It s simple if the market is moving up, and you look for buying opportunities, you ve naturally increased your chances of winning. Likewise, if the market is moving down, and you stick with short trades, you re improving your chances of success. Trend following is great but unfortunately, the market is not always moving in clear trends. So, we need some more tricks up our sleeves.2 Riding momentum. When you re lacking a clear trend to follow, momentum provides another signal of market sentiment. Momentum is simply the rate of change of a price, although it is often seen as a measure of volume if prices are changing rapidly, it is likely that a lot of traders are buying or selling. And, like trends, momentum can offer us a free ride in the direction of market sentiment. There are a number of ways to measure momentum the momentum indi cator, rate of change, RSI, stochastics But there is a very simple sign you can look for the size of the candle. The length of a candlestick gives us a lot of information about the strength of market sentiment in one direction or another, so you can play momentum by simply following the direction of a long candlestick. The technical stuff. Let s say that if a candlestick was larger than the 10 previous candlesticks, we ll open a position in the same direction as that movement. This kind of trading is simply jumping on board moves and allowing that momentum to scalp you some profits. The short trade you see on this example may or may not be triggered depending on how you gauge your candlestick s length. You might just look at the body the difference between the open price and the close price If this is the case, it would be a signal to trade. However, many traders take into account the wicks on the candlesticks, and will view the lower wick as buying action, and the upper wick as selling actio n. So, they ll measure their candlesticks like this. Riding these waves of market sentiment can be a great way to pick up points in the current market conditions, and with a few extra checks and balances to your momentum signals, you can filter out some of the false signals that will inevitably arise. There are plenty more ideas coming up in the weeks ahead to keep us busy with our trading through the summer months. Written by Mark Rose. trading strategies that work. trading strategies that work. Watch This Video Prove Before Continue. Trading is really a highly lucrative profession many different financial professionals day trading strategies and other people wanting to manufacture a foray into this highly profitable source of earning Technology has redefined the way in which one does any type of activity, and it really is added the other fillip to everything about Forex trading too One comes across a sensible automated strategy for trading which can be known as a Forex Robot while in the fin ancial industry It is an automated trading software programs are developed to be the strategy that may be mechanical, requiring no human interface while its going about doing what traders do Allow us to understand the many attributes of implementing FX Robots and how you can help someone become an ace trader. Volume - Trading begets higher returns should the sheer volume is increased The automated set up helps generate more trades by using an average than an individuals being Probably the most great ways to actually generate higher volumes across a vast arena and geographies instantly results in the scope of better trades far better earning potential. Wont surrender to sentiments - This is a machine, a application which doesnt are afflicted by one of the primary barriers to successful trading-getting swayed by sentiments and emotions This can be something all humankind are inclined to getting afflicted with, creating a negative trade or a tremendous loss in the markets The computer arent going to be affected or go in an anxiety mode just with the huge slide from the market It can keep functioning rationally, creating more stability than the human being element. Making the most - This automated programme can run 24 7, 365 days 12 months without tiring So, unlike a persons element, it does not need to require time off for anything This feature implies that the unit can trade across all markets in the keep to the sun model route It will trade while you sleep, utilizing every opportunity that is out with friends there This works well for spreading the risks evenly and leads to a more balanced technique for trading overall. Has immense potential - If an explorer is strong on his fundamentals, he could program the system to work and earn him much a lot more than the projected potential Once a brilliant trader who studies the signals emitted by way of the robot system, and leverages them by making them another earning avenue, we have an incremental income opportunity generated consistently. Related Videos to Trading Strategies That Work. makemoneytradingstocks youtube shtml A Simple Stock Trading Strategy that Works. Correlation trading Opportunities and tactics. By Abe Cofnas May 19, 2010.Price action often emulates wavelike forces in nature Throw a pebble in a lake of water, and the calm waters turn into relatively low amplitude waves that propagate the water Throw several pebbles from different directions and the surface turns into a cross section of wavelike interferences and displacements that eventually revert back into equilibrium Like the thrown pebbles, words, as well as economic events, become forces that disrupt the medium of market prices The erupting Eyjafjallaj kull volcano in Iceland, the Greek sovereign debt crisis, and speeches of Ben Bernanke, Axel Weber, and other central bankers act like those pebbles in the forex global sea The results are sentiment waves that spread throughout the market The patterns are also very similar to chemical react ions called reaction diffusion equations, like mixing an acid and a base There is a sudden reaction, heat energy is released and then the reaction diffuses Most of these forex reaction patterns are short-lived, but some provide ample time for opportunities to play a reversion These can be recognized when correlations in their movements with other pairs become significantly skewed Lets look at a few opportunities. The AUD USD and the EUR USD have been highly correlated for more than a decade, but See ya later sucka above shows how that correlation broke down as Australia emerged from the global recession early, while the Eurozone debt issues intensified Correlation data measuring the co-movements of these pairs had a peak of 72 correlated in October 2009, with correlations going down lately below 55 This divergence in correlations provides an opportunity to play the spread narrowing between these pairs This can be done in many ways One can sell the AUD USD and buy the EUR USD More direct ly, one can sell the Aussie against the euro AUD EUR As we observe in Crikey mate below , this crosspair is positioning for a major retracement. You could play a reversion trade using options with DualCurrency European Digital Option, where the payout is made if two conditions are met Constructing such an option would involve a bet that the AUD USD would be below a price point and at the same time the EUR USD would be above a certain price point by a certain date This trade is not usually available through a retail platform but illustrates the scope of tools available to trade currency spreads. The sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone has caused additional disconnects in typical patterns A major disconnect in the co-movement of the EUR USD and the Brazilian Real BRL USD is another The Greek debt crisis caused risk aversion to spill over to emerging markets This philosophy led to a widening spread between the EUR USD and the BRL USD Keep in mind that the Brazil central bank increased rat es on April 30 by 75 basis points to 9 5 , attracting more demand for the real as a carry trade currency The global crisis has provided support for the U S dollar as a global reserve currency of last resort and it appears that the euro became the new popular short in carry trades The Greek crisis only added to euro weakness However, the traditional relationship in this pair should emerge as the global economy rebounds. For traders with a further taste for emerging market currencies, the Mexican peso MXN USD and BRL USD pair has experienced a sharp divergence in its movements. When considering correlation-based strategies, traders should look at extended periods of time to identify normal patterns Understanding what is causing the divergence in typical patterns is important There is a saying that goes, markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent, so it may be best to wait for the market to begin to move back in line before initiating a reversion trade. Abe Cofnas is the au thor of the forthcoming book Sentiment Indicators Bloomberg Press He can be reached at abecofnasgmail.1 0 trades are only available with an individual or joint Merrill Edge self-directed brokerage account When placing a trade, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith Incorporated MLPFS determines whether you meet the balance or relationship requirements to qualify that trade for the 0 waiver To determine the number of qualifying trades, MLPFS adds the qualifying trades in your individual accounts and joint accounts Commission fees apply when qualification requirements are not met, or when you exceed the number of qualifying trades a month Brokerage fees associated with, but not limited to, margin transactions, option trading, special stock registration gifting, account transfer and processing, research request and termination apply. a Commissions are waived for 30 online equity trades each month including stock and exchange traded funds ETFs on behalf of MLPFS, for customers who meet any one of the following criteria. i Combined total of 25,000 or more in your deposit accounts at Bank of America, N A MLPFS adds the average collected balances in your deposit accounts as of the prior month to the balances in your bank CD and IRAs as of the prior business day Bank deposit accounts with the same Social Security number SSN as the SSN s on the self-directed brokerage account are systematically included in the balance determination Standard deposit account fees apply. ii Or combined balance of 25,000 or more in cash balances in one or more of the following sweep options in your Merrill Edge self-directed account s as of the prior business day.- Bank Deposit Accounts sweep option with your Cash Management Account CMA.- Retirement Assets Savings Program II sweep with your IRA. iii Or Platinum Privileges clients. iv Or Preferred Rewards Platinum clients. b Commissions are waived for 100 online equity trades each month, including stock and ETFs, on behalf of MLPFS, for Preferred Rewards Platinum Honors clients. 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Cash Reward Open and fund an account within 45 days from accounts held outside Merrill Lynch and Bank of America, and maintain the minimum qualifying balance for an additional 90 days For purposes of this offer, qualifying balance shall mean total incoming assets or transfers including cash, securities and or margin debit balance transfers from external accounts, minus assets withdrawn or transferred out of the account within the 90-day holding period Cash reward qualifications assets of 20,000 to 49,999 in cash and or securities receive 100 for 50,000 99,999, receive 150 for 100,000 199,999, receive 250 for 200, 000 or more, receive 600 Assets held by 401 k plans through Merrill Lynch are excluded Cash reward is a one-time deposit made within one week into your IRA or CMA after meeting qualifying criteria. The offering of cash rewards, free trades, waiver of fees including account fees , and or any other thing of value may not be used as an inducement to sell any kind of insurance, including life insurance or annuities. 0 trades begin within 5 business days of account opening and must be used within 90 calendar days up to 300 trades per account 0 trades are only applicable in the new account and are limited to online equity and ETF trades Standard commission rates apply to trades in excess of the 300-trade limit or after 90 days Brokerage fees associated with, but not limited to, margin transactions, option trading, special stock registration gifting, account transfer and processing, research request and termination apply Trades are not transferable, apply only to the account receiving the offer, and are not available for Merrill Edge Advisory Center accounts or other Merrill Lynch Wealth Management accounts Merrill Edge does not, and this offer is not meant to, promote day trading or solicit engagement in day trading activities Day trading can be extremely risky Investors are solely responsible for their own investment decisions, and should research any investment strategy carefully before investing. Tax Disclaimer The value of this reward you receive may constitute taxable income In addition, Merrill Lynch may issue an Internal Revenue Service Form 1099 or other appropriate form to you that reflects the value of such reward Please consult your tax advisor, as Bank of America Corporation and its affiliates and associates do not provide tax advice. Merrill Edge MarketPro Trial begins within 5 business days of account opening and expires after 90 calendar days To learn about additional ways to qualify for Merrill Edge MarketPro , see merrilledge marketpro Not available for employees of Bank of America or Merrill Lynch and business accounts. Free Online Stock Trading. 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First we ll take a look at the steps then dive into the specifics and logic Though there are only three steps, there is a number of considerations behind them.1 Set charts to 5 Minute increments.2 Buy Sell the pair with the dominant direction AFTER one 5 Minute candle has closed.3 Close the trade when the candlesticks start showing weakness. A Closer Look.1 Set charts to 5 Minute increments. News event volatility often comes in a surge It can be the catalyst for shifts in an overall trend but that isn t really our concern at the moment This strategy is looking to capitalize and ride that surge like a surfer would 1 Minute increments are a bit too choppy but 5 Minute candlesticks give the right amount of insight for the limited time we will be in this trade.2 Buy Sell the pair with the dominant direction AFTER one 5 Minute candle has closed. A candlestick is not considered valid until after it is closed and we want to ensure we re stepping into the right circumstances for profitability If price moves in one direction and rebounds before the close we re staring at a large wick that we shouldn t be trading On the other hand, if it moves in a direction and closes near the end of the candlestick, it s not a stretch that the price will continue in the next candlestick or two. This is a high risk strategy so always use a Stop Loss T he appropriate Stop will really depend on the size of the movement The ideal place would be behind the candlestick we are using to gauge direction and stretch If it is a sizable stick, you can place it about halfway up that stick or behind some other logical point A good rule of thumb is no more than 40 pips if you want a good Risk Reward.3 Close the trade when the candlesticks start showing weakness. An aggressive stance on protecting the profit you lock in is necessary with this strategy You re immersing yourself in very volatile waters and you don t want to get caught when the whip pulls back It is very likely that will not be in the trade for longer than 10-20 minutes sometimes for as long as an hour for an event like Non-Farm Payrolls If momentum slows or a reversal signal prints it s time to exit. This is not a novice level trading activity If you are not experienced in forex trading and chart reading test it thoroughly to ensure you can make the interpretations required An open tr ade in volatile conditions is not the time to discover you don t quite understand candlestick charts. Do not enter unless the test candlestick closes in the furthest 25 of the candlestick That is a very strong indicator that price wants to continue in that direction. About any High Volatility event can be traded with this strategy but the ones that are best include the USD EUR during Non-Farm Payrolls, any associated Major or Cross during a relevant Central Bank Rate Decision, and relevant pairs during an official s speech. One should avoid trading pairs that are not Majors and Crosses Exotics simply don t have enough participants to print a somewhat reliable candlestick A strong, dominant candlestick on the EURUSD has many more participants than one printed on the USDHKD. This post was written by Bonnie Cassidy, Business Manager at MahiFX. You can follow her on Google and read more from Bonnie here. MahiFX now offer MT4 Download our MT4 software here and set up a demo account today. Forex tr ading strategies guide for day and swing traders pdf Top 10 Binary Trading Brokers List timpelton. 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I am going to start an online Forex Trading Journal that will be a public log of every trade I make There are a couple of reasons I am going to start posting my trades here on the Winners Edge Trading blog First reason is because I want to follow my own advice in an article I wrote last week ab out forex discipline If I am going to write about doing it, I want do to it and live it So this will be my trading accountability structure All of you will be my accountability partners, and I want every one who reads this blog to help out You guys can post your trades her as well and we can get some group feedback I will write all the entry points as well as stop loss, and take profit target I will also include my pre-trade analysis as to way I take each trade. The other reason I am going to post my trades is because I have been getting tons of emails about my trades and strategies In addition to helping me in my trading I believe this will help everybody else as well To keep my entries to a manageable number I will only post swing trades with a daily, 4hr, or 1 hr entry candles. I am always writing about keeping a Forex Trading Journal so now I will teach you how to keep one as well by following this journal The journal will start tomorrow because it is the first of the month It is eas ier to show someone something then it is to tell someone about it This way I will be showing you how to keep a journal Please join me and participate in this Forex trading journal because as always your participation is what is going to make this a success Winners Edge Trading would not be here if it was not for this great community If you like this idea or have any other ideas about how I should proceed please include it the comments below. 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Experts suggest that a trader should start watching any of binary options youtube videos because he or she comes t o watch everything in an animate motion along with a voice which guides him or her So, the video typically creates a great impression on the trader s mind because we know how a trading tutorial with its visualization and audio features can diffuse the power to make one learn the essence of trading Often, it seems to be more influential than the passive resources like books or printed copies containing trading guidance. What traders can expect from binary options strategy youtube. stock market Live Trading courses. The basic trading course it is unique in the world It was recorded live while trading GoPro IPO teaching one how to become a millionaire based on actual eventsplimentary, Basic and Advanced trading courses, Emotional analysis, Tape reading and Brain trading programs We blow away the competition. Our roadmap to success based in more than 25 years experience suggests that you complete the Basic Trading Course before subscribing to other services. An organization s continuity of ope rations plan documents the overarching strategy, policies, and procedures required to support its headquarters continuity of operations program As the DHS entity for coordinating the Executive Branch continuity of operations program, National Continuity Programs NCP has developed detailed planning guidance and plan templates to help other federal and non-federal entities in their continuity planning. Continuity Plan Template For Federal Departments Agencies. The purpose of this Continuity Plan template for Federal Departments and Agencies is to provide instructions, guidance, and sample text for the development of Continuity plans and programs in accordance with Federal Continuity Directives FCDs 1 and 2 for the Federal Executive Branch. Continuity Plan Template For Non-Federal Entities. This Continuity Plan template for non-Federal entities provides a framework for creating a viable continuity plan and focuses on the key continuity planning elements as addressed in Continuity Guidance Cir cular 1 CGC 1 , Continuity Guidance for Non-Federal Governments States, Territories, Tribes, and Local Government Jurisdictions , dated July 2013, and Continuity Guidance Circular 2 CGC 2 , Continuity Guidance for Non-Federal Governments Mission Essential Functions Identification Process States, Territories, Tribes, and Local Government Jurisdictions , dated October 2013.For the Continuity Plan Template and Instructions for Non-Federal Entities, click here. Essential Records Packet Plan Template. This Essential Records Packet Plan template assists with the identification, protection, and ready availability of organizational essential records, databases, emergency operating records, rights and interests records, and other documents are critical to the successful implementation and execution of a robust continuity plan. ERG Member Planning Guide. Developing Emergency Relocation Group ERG Member Planning Guides PDF 256KB, TXT 25KB , A Guide for ERG Positional Requirements Planning, June 2009 The Guide provides tools templates and checklists for developing ERG positional standard operating procedures to support organizational continuity programs ERG positional guides assist ERG staff to understand the key elements of supporting that position and allow continuity managers access to positional requirements that are considered when preparing a Business Process Analysis of organizational essential functions. This Reconstitution template is based on Federal Continuity Directive 1, Federal Executive Branch National Continuity Program and Requirements, October 2012, and provides structure and recommended content for developing a reconstitution plan Reconstitution is the process by which surviving and or replacement organization personnel resume normal organization operations from the original or replacement primary operating facility. This Devolution template is based on the Federal Continuity Directive 1, Federal Executive Branch National Continuity Program and Requirements, and pr ovides a structure and recommended content for developing a Devolution Plan. Multi-Year Strategy and Program Management Plan. A continuity Multi-Year Strategy and Program Management Plan MYSPMP provides multi-year planning guidance for the development of effective continuity plans and programs The MYSPMP serves as a roadmap for organization continuity planners to follow to ensure that critical activities and resources can be implemented and obtained so that their programs continue to improve over time The MYSPMP provides strategic guidance, a current program assessment, and outlines program needs, goals, objectives, and strategies for the organization s Continuity program as well as milestones for accomplishing these activities and any issues, concerns, or obstacles that they may face. NCP developed a series of continuity exercise templates that incorporate updates from the National Continuity Policy Implementation Plan, Federal Continuity Directive 1 and 2, and Continuity Guidance Circul ar 1 and 2 These exercise templates are compatible with the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program HSEEP and meet National Exercise Program requirements. Department and Agencies Telwork Exercise Template. This Exercise Plan EXPLAN template provides exercise planners with the information necessary for their participation in a continuity telework exercise This EXPLAN Template is a tool to assist agencies to conduct a telework exercise to determine current capabilities to operate in a telework or a socially-distanced environment and to determine what needs to be done to enhance your current capabilities and to better prepare for a pandemic influenza or continuity event. This telework exercise handbook template is set up to provide an example of an exercise player handbook for use when conducting a telework exercise. For more information on these or additional templates, please email FEMA-Continuity-WebInfo. What are Pips in Forex. Pip price interest point A pip measures the amount of change in the exchange rate for a currency pair For currency pairs displayed to four decimal places, one pip is equal to 0 0001 Yen-based currency pairs are an exception and are displayed to only two decimal places 0 01 Some brokers now offer fractional pips to provide an extra digit of precision when quoting exchange rates for certain currency pairs A fractional pip is equivalent to 1 10 of a pip. OANDA introduced fractional pips - or pipettes - to allow for tighter spreads on certain currency pairs For instance, it is possible to view the EUR USD currency pair with pipettes i e five decimal places , while currency pairs with the yen as the quote currency can be viewed to three decimal places instead of the default two decimal places. Determining Pip Value. The monetary value of each pip depends on three factors the currency pair being traded, the size of the trade, and the exchange rate. Based on these factors, the fluctuation of even a single pip can have a significant impact on the va lue of the open position. For example, assume that a 300,000 trade involving the USD CAD pair is closed at 1 0568 after gaining 20 pips To calculate the profit in U S dollars, complete the following steps. Determine the number of CAD each pip represents by multiplying the amount of the trade by 1 pip as follows.300,000 x 0 0001 30 CAD per pip. Divide the number of CAD per pip by the closing exchange rate to arrive at the number of USD per pip. Multiply the number of pips gained, by the value of each pip in USD to arrive at the total loss profit for the trade.20 x 28 39 567 80 USD profit. What are Pips in Forex. Pip price interest point A pip measures the amount of change in the exchange rate for a currency pair For currency pairs displayed to four decimal places, one pip is equal to 0 0001 Yen-based currency pairs are an exception and are displayed to only two decimal places 0 01 Some brokers now offer fractional pips to provide an extra digit of precision when quoting exchange rates for cer tain currency pairs A fractional pip is equivalent to 1 10 of a pip. OANDA introduced fractional pips - or pipettes - to allow for tighter spreads on certain currency pairs For instance, it is possible to view the EUR USD currency pair with pipettes i e five decimal places , while currency pairs with the yen as the quote currency can be viewed to three decimal places instead of the default two decimal places. Determining Pip Value. The monetary value of each pip depends on three factors the currency pair being traded, the size of the trade, and the exchange rate. Based on these factors, the fluctuation of even a single pip can have a significant impact on the value of the open position. For example, assume that a 300,000 trade involving the USD CAD pair is closed at 1 0568 after gaining 20 pips To calculate the profit in U S dollars, complete the following steps. Determine the number of CAD each pip represents by multiplying the amount of the trade by 1 pip as follows.300,000 x 0 0001 30 CAD per pip. Divide the number of CAD per pip by the closing exchange rate to arrive at the number of USD per pip. Multiply the number of pips gained, by the value of each pip in USD to arrive at the total loss profit for the trade.20 x 28 39 567 80 USD profit. What are Pips in Forex. Pip price interest point A pip measures the amount of change in the exchange rate for a currency pair For currency pairs displayed to four decimal places, one pip is equal to 0 0001 Yen-based currency pairs are an exception and are displayed to only two decimal places 0 01 Some brokers now offer fractional pips to provide an extra digit of precision when quoting exchange rates for certain currency pairs A fractional pip is equivalent to 1 10 of a pip. OANDA introduced fractional pips - or pipettes - to allow for tighter spreads on certain currency pairs For instance, it is possible to view the EUR USD currency pair with pipettes i e five decimal places , while currency pairs with the yen as the quote currency can be viewed to three decimal places instead of the default two decimal places. Determining Pip Value. The monetary value of each pip depends on three factors the currency pair being traded, the size of the trade, and the exchange rate. Based on these factors, the fluctuation of even a single pip can have a significant impact on the value of the open position. For example, assume that a 300,000 trade involving the USD CAD pair is closed at 1 0568 after gaining 20 pips To calculate the profit in U S dollars, complete the following steps. Determine the number of CAD each pip represents by multiplying the amount of the trade by 1 pip as follows.300,000 x 0 0001 30 CAD per pip. Divide the number of CAD per pip by the closing exchange rate to arrive at the number of USD per pip. Multiply the number of pips gained, by the value of each pip in USD to arrive at the total loss profit for the trade.20 x 28 39 567 80 USD profit. Trading System Development Articles. What Can We Expect from a Trading System. b y D R Barton, Jr. I really enjoy small sayings that capture the essence of issues During one of our trading courses, we were discussing various trading systems and execution platforms One of the attendees summed up the essence of where the responsibility for performance lies by saying, It s the dancer, not the floor And so it is with trading systems They are important tools, but they are not the only part of the equation that goes into making a successful trader. Let s look at some of the most common issues around system trading and see if we can lend some clarity using the good old pro and con format. If I can find a trading system that works, then I can be a successful trader. Pro Every trader needs a strategy or system to form a framework for their trading Without a repeatable way to identify and execute trades, one can never be a consistent performer A good system or strategy also gives a trader the confidence to act decisively It s difficult to underestimate the importance of having f ull confidence in your trading, especially after going through a drawdown In addition, a good system, when executed with discipline, can produce good returns, especially when used in the right market conditions. Con There have been studies done where groups of people have been given proven trading systems and still not made money with them This is because your trading system or strategy is only one part of the package that makes a successful trader While a trading system can support your trading discipline as mentioned above , it cannot take the place of developing your trading psychology And there are other parts of your tradecraft that you must develop business and trading plans, execution skills, adapting to changing markets, etc. Summary Your trading system or systems is an important foundation of your trading But it is not the only important element Spend serious time on strategy and system development It is one of your primary tasks But it is not the only task There are many folks out there who are obsessed with system development and never seem to find time to trade the Internet bulletin boards are full of them In addition to your strategy development, spend significant time on the other key areas of trading including your psychology and your tradecraft. The best systems should work in trending and sideways markets. Pro Multiple market conditions are a fact of life Studies show that markets actually trend as little as 20 30 percent of the time So even the trendiest markets have significant amounts of time when they are going sideways A system that can work in both trending and sideways markets is truly valuable Most systems that endeavor to tackle both types of market conditions usually do so by first identifying whether or not the market is in a trend and then picking one trading algorithm or another Others address the problem by trading less in one type of market or the other. Con Products that try to be all things to all people usually do a mediocre job for eve ryone Consumer Reports magazine once did a study of laundry detergents and fabric softeners and also of products that combined the two They found some excellent detergents, some excellent fabric softeners and some combinations that were acceptable at both tasks but excelled at neither Designing a one size fits all system for trading is a difficult proposition and is likely to end up giving results, which much like combination laundry products, fail to excel in any market condition. Summary Understanding the current market conditions is a key task for any trading strategy As traders, we need to know what types of market best fit each of our systems Trying to design a trading system that navigates all market conditions is a daunting task that has challenged even the best system designers A more useful approach, especially for those who are just starting out, is to design different systems that work really well in one type of market condition and then determine a way to switch between syst ems or scale into and out of the different systems. Systems designed to produce a high winning percentage are best. Pro Systems that produce higher winning percentages are certainly easier to trade from a psychological perspective Losing streaks are shorter, and winning streaks are longer Systems that get fewer, but bigger winners can seem like death by a thousand cuts during periods of extended losing streaks And because long losing streaks are less likely, high percentage trading systems can typically use more aggressive position sizing. Con Almost all systems with high winning percentages have low reward-to-risk ratios So even during times of extended winning streaks, they may be adding to your equity curve slowly Systems with big reward-to-risk ratios tend to catch the really big trends These are the moves that provide truly outsized returns that can change a good year into an incredible year. Summary First of all, there really is no best in the world of trading With that said, ther mo st likely is one best for your individual situation There are only two meaningful parameters for deciding whether you should design for a high percentage of winners or a high reward-to-risk ratio The first is your own personality and trading psychology The second is the combined expectancy and frequency-of-trade for each system If you compare two systems on the basis of expected profit per month, quarter, or year, it can be quite an eye-opener But great theoretical results really won t matter if you can t trade that type of system well Results generated by a long-term system that has significant drawdowns won t work for you if you re a very impatient person who likes lots of positive reinforcement The system has to fit you if you are going to trade it well. Strategies and systems are at the core of what we do as traders But they are most useful when we understand their inner workings and how they fit into our whole trading plan When you integrate a system that fits you and matches the m arket conditions into your trading plan, it can be a real thing of beauty All the best in your trading. About the Author A passion for the systematic approach to the markets and lifelong love of teaching and learning have propelled D R Barton, Jr to the top of the investment and trading arena He is a regularly featured guest on both Report on Business TV, and WTOP News Radio in Washington, D C and has been a guest on Bloomberg Radio His articles have appeared on SmartMoney and Financial Advisor magazine D R is a regular contributor to Tharp s Thoughts trading newsletter. Tharp s Thoughts 190Oct132004.Exits - Are Your Money Management Stops Too Large or Too Small. by Chuck LeBeau and Terence Tan. It seems that Money Management stops are either too close and subject to frequent whipsaws or too far away and expose our capital to large losses From the results of our testing, we have concluded that most systems would benefit from the inclusion of relatively large money management stops. At first thought it would seem that the closer the stops and the smaller the losses, the lower the expected drawdown However, this seemingly logical assumption does not hold up in testing In almost all cases the wider stops result in a higher winning percentage and a lower drawdown Smaller stops appear to be psychologically attractive, but may actually deteriorate system performance because they are susceptible to frequent whipsaws caused by random and insignificant price movements On the other hand, large stops may also be psychologically attractive because they are activated less frequently, and systems with large stops generally tend to have a higher percentage of winning trades However, the down side is that large stops force the trader to occasionally suffer rather large losses which, although infrequent, can be psychologically difficult to accept as well Is there a compromise solution to this problem. We believe there is An interesting phenomenon we have observed from our research is that it is often possible to tighten the money management stop a short period after the initial trade entry It has been our preference to allow the trade some latitude to work out in the beginning and this is best accomplished with a relatively large money management stop during the first few days of the trade However, after a specific number of days the money management stop can often be reduced to a much smaller amount For instance, if we have a 5,000 stop upon entering a trade on the SP 500 futures market, and this is an uncomfortably large loss to take, it may be possible to leave the 5,000 stop in place only for the first few days, and then tighten the stop to 2,500 for the remainder of the trade The chances of being stopped out late in the trade with a 5,000 loss have been reduced, although it is always possible that a large adverse price movement in the first few days could still stop us out with the maximum loss The exact stop amounts and the time of implementation would have to be determined by computer and statistical analysis of the system s characteristics In some trend-following systems, we have found that we can benefit substantially by implementing a larger stop in the beginning of a trade, and then reducing the original stop by 50 or more once the trade is underway. This technique of tightening stops after a few days in the trade has a sound basis we know that the predictiveness of a trade entry indicator declines as the trade moves out into the future In most cases an entry indicator has a better chance of predicting the price movement in the next 2 days than in the next 2 weeks Starting off a trade with a large money management stop allows the trade sufficient room to work in the right direction, since it corresponds to a period of high confidence in the entry indication As the trade moves out into the future, the confidence of the entry indication declines, so we tighten up the stop to reflect decreasing confidence in the trade. Other possibilities for dealing with the problem of large stops also exist Stops such as breakeven stops or profit protection stops that over-ride the money management stop can easily be implemented in later stages of the trade Once these stops are activated, the possibility of taking the large original stop loss is substantially reduced or eliminated These and other techniques will be fully discussed in subsequent chapters. Proper understanding and implementation of the money management stop is vital to a trader s survival The stop effectively limits the maximum loss that may be sustained in a trade, which in turn contributes to the all-important goal of preservation of capital Trading without a money management stop is to allow for a high chance of catastrophic loss in your account. The importance of the Money Management stop is aptly summed up by Jack Schwager with this statement from his book, The New Market Wizards If you can t take a small loss, sooner or later you will take the mother of all losses. About the Author Chuck LeBeau is the co-author of Computer Analysis of the Futures Market and the former co-editor of Technical Traders Bulletin Chuck is a featured instructor in the How To Develop A Winning Trading System Home Study program Chuck has 27 years experience in the markets and is widely known for his specialized knowledge of technical analysis He also develops trading systems and runs a website devoted to trading topics. Tharp s Thoughts 188Sept292004.by D R Barton, Jr. When I was losing, they called me nuts When I was winning they called me eccentric Al McGuire, college basketball coach. That system I bought stinks The first three trades I made with it were all losers I wasted a thousand bucks on that piece of junk I ll never trade that thing again. I have heard such tales over and over, whether the person is talking about a canned system they bought, newsletter recommendations or a system they developed themselves although folks are usually less critical of things they develop themselves more on that later. For our system development conference call last week, we took written questions over the Internet Unfortunately, we didn t have time to cover all of them One set of questions was along these lines How do I choose between systems How do I know if a system is broken So to answer this line of questions, I d like to do a series of articles on system performance Here are some topics we ll cover. What are the key criteria to use when judging a system s performance. How can I choose between two competing systems. When does a string of losses get too long to call the system into question. What are acceptable drawdown levels. Should I look for a system with a high winning percentage or high R multiples. Should I buy a system or spend the time to develop my own. This will be a great lead-in to our upcoming Systems workshop the second weekend of November I hope you can join Chuck LeBeau and me. To respond to those folks who throw systems out after three losses Unless your system wins 95 percent of the time, three losses in a row is rarely something to worry about. Tharp s Thoughts 191oct202004.System Performance, Part Two. by D R Barton, Jr. This week we ll continue with our series on trading system performance by looking into the issue of system choice How does one choose between two competing systems. There are two significant areas to consider when choosing between trading systems The first is matching the system s trading philosophy to your trading beliefs The second area is the performance statistics of the systems Most people spend 98 percent of their time crunching the numbers The other two percent of system development time is spent preparing snacks No one spends any time worrying abo ut whether they will actually be able to trade the system they pick So let s spend a balanced amount of time looking at the psychology of trading the system this weeks article and digging through the performance numbers that will compare two systems next week s article. Yeah, I can trade that I ve heard it hundreds of times, Just show me something that works, and I ll trade it We all wish it was that easy Trading takes a combination of skill and talents And one of the most important skills is knowing what type of systems and strategies you can trade well, day-in and day-out So the first thing a trader must determine when choosing between systems, is which one fits his or her trading style better Here are some questions that should help you determine which system is more aligned with your trading beliefs. What time frame does this system use long term position trading Intra-day trading Something in between Is this a time frame that I am very comfortable with. Does this system trade predominantly with the trend or take mostly counter-trend trades. How frequently does the system trade Is that too much or too little for your activity level. How much of your investment capital will each of the systems require Is this an amount you are comfortable with. Be very careful if you are tempted to fall into the I can trade it if it works trap Because, if the system that seems to work well on paper loses too many in a row or has one or two losses that are too big for your tastes, then you will be more than likely to toss out a good system Understand your market beliefs and your comfort zones and you ll be well on your way to matching them to a useful trading strategy Next week we ll look at how which performance measures should draw most of your attention. Tharp s Thoughts 192oct272004.System Performance, Part III. In our series on system performance, we ll look at some of the quantitative measures you can use to compare two systems that you may be considering In Part II we looked at matching your market beliefs with those of your system or strategy I can t overemphasize the importance of this aspect of your system selection Let s look at some of the basic quantitative measures that you need to look at when comparing systems There are enough of these i mportant measures to cover this week and next week. Winning percentage vs High R-Multiple returns We ve discussed this metric before and in most instances, these are inversely proportional items meaning that as one increases, the other decreases The holy grail would be a system with high average R-multiples that has a very high winning percentage While I ve seen a few systems that do both, they invariably achieve this unusual combination by finding very infrequently occurring market conditions These types of systems are the ones that have set-ups that come along only a few times per quarter or year But be sure you know your ability to last through drawdowns and losing streaks If you pick a system that generates big R-multiples, but has a winning percentage below 50, you have to have a patient demeanor Remember to match your system with your personality and beliefs. Average profit per trade This is one of my personal favorite measures It encompasses a lot of other system characteristics including expectancy, average loss size and average win size When combined with frequency of trade, average profit per trade can tell you more about your system than most other individual measures While this is one of my favorites, you really need to combine it with an understanding of the next item to make sure that you don t get fooled by one or two unusual results. Outsized winners As you review trading results, especially back-tested results, keep a close eye out for really huge returns that happen only once or twice in a data run I have seen some long term trend following systems that put up great results because they caught a huge move in one stock or commodity If you caught Qualcomm for a 200 point move in 1999, you could have a bunch of other average trades and still do well What is wrong with having a big trade or two that reflect a letting your winners run mentality The main thing is frequency If these outsized winners are happening once every two or three years, it will be tough to trade your system while waiting for that next big score Another potential problem is that the outsized gains were made when one-time events came along, like a system that was short for 9 11 2001 or when the Hunt Brothers tried to corner the silver market The bottom line is that knowing the average returns is not enough, you have to know the individual trades th at were used to generate those numbers. Next issue we ll look at some of the aggregate measures that are useful in comparing systems. Tharp s Thoughts 194nov172004.System Performance, Part IV. We ve been reviewing system performance measures and last week we looked at some individual measures that are quite useful Today we ll look at several ways that combine or aggregate data to provide a broader measure of system performance. System expectancy multiplied by frequency Van has been a great proponent of measuring a system s expected value and he has written about it extensively Because of the bias humans have for being right, many if not most people judge systems based on the percent of time the system wins without giving the ratio of the average winner versus the loser equal consideration There are many good places to read up on expectancy including all three of Van s books, but conceptually it measures the average expected profitability of a given system in terms of dollars won per dollar risked To make a performance metric that is truly applicable across all instruments and timeframes, you can multiply expectancy times the frequency of the trade or investment This will give you a dollars per month, year, etc figure that you can use to compare any system With this combination of expectancy and frequency, you can answer the question Does that day trading system for SP e-minis, that long term stock trading sys tem, or that real estate strategy that flips properties a few times a year look better. Annual percent increase divided by worse case draw down What the first measure expectancy times frequency won t tell you is how much pain or draw down you will have to suffer to generate those average gains A ratio I like to use is the average annual percentage gain divided by the maximum draw down This gives us a ratio of how much we make per year divided by how much we would be down at any time during the year Or in simple terms How much will I have to risk losing in order to generate my average returns Any ratio of that is less than 2 1 is suspect do you really want to risk a 50 percent draw down to make a 50 gain. Industry standard performance measures Let s close by looking at two composite numbers that many money managers use to measure their performance.1 Sharpe Ratio system rate of return risk f ree rate of return standard deviation of system returns. The Sharp Ratio measures risk to reward by giving the returns of the system as a ratio to its standard deviation If the system has very constant returns, it will have a high Sharpe Ratio A system with returns that vary greatly period-to-period will have a lower Sharpe Ratio.2 Sortino Ratio One problem with the Sharpe Ratio is that it penalizes a system for a big up month or good volatility The Sortino Ratio attempts to overcome this issue by dividing the same risk adjusted rate of return used in the Sharpe Ratio by only the negative deviation or bad volatility the downside semi-variance. The bottom line for measuring system performance is that you have to understand what criteria are important for your situation And don t just base your decision on one measure of performance With all of the tools at our disposal for measuring performance, it is prudent to put them into use as you choose, design and use a system. Tharp s Thou g hts 195nov242004.Don t Take Just Any Ol Entry. by D R Barton, Jr. A single advantage is worth a thousand sorceries. As traders and investors, we re always looking for an edge in the markets Today we re going to discuss finding edges in our entries. But before we talk about entry edges, let me be clear that I believe that entries are much less important than money management, stops and exits when it comes to system design. With that said, there are still some useful ways to approach the design and execution of entries that can give you some additional advantages in the way you initiate your trades Let s look at a few questions and concepts you can use to make more effective entries. Is your entry technique consistent with your strategy s market concept When I speak of your system s market concept, I m talking about the beliefs upon which your strategy is built For example, if you have a system that identifies a channel and then buys the bottoms and sells the tops, you need some sort of counter-trend entry that will allow you to sell near the channel tops and buy near the channel bottom. Some trend following systems count on getting a good entry on the long side by buying a pullback Since these are longer-term systems looking to capture longer-term trends, this can be an excellent strategy. On the other hand, if your strategy is a breakout breakdown system, then you are best served quickly following the price move after confirmation Waiting for a pullback will most likely lead to either of two unwanted results the price will never pull back and you miss the entry on a good trade, or the price pulls back and just keeps moving against the breakout for a loss a routine occurrence in breakout trading. Do you have to get in now This is a great question for folks who follow long-term newsletter recommendations and those who take trades based on fundamental data For those trading on a shorter time frame or following a technical system, in most cases, you should take entries as they occur. But back to those following long-term newsletter recommendations Jumping blindly in at the exact minute you hear or read about the recommendation is probably not the best entry technique If a popular newsletter with a big subscriber base makes a recommendation, LOTS of folks are going to be jumping in And unless the stock is very liquid, it will be a bit like someone yelling, Fire in crowded theater everyone wants to get through the same door at the same time. Instead of fighting a newsletter cattle call , you might try waiting for the price to pull back a bit after the initial run-up A 50 percent retracement of the move caused by the recommendation is a good rule-of-thumb to use. Have you mastered the art of stalking One of Van s famous Ten Tasks of Trading is stalking your trade Just like a cat stalks its prey looking for the best possible moment to pounce, so a trader can stalk an entry to get the best price for entry For a trader or investor entering a long-term trade based on fundamental analysis, stalking may include adding some technical analysis to help with the timing of the entry In almost all cases for long-term trading, waiting for the price to enter an up-trend is a good idea. Shorter-term traders may use the Level II screen to help them stalk a trade The Level II tool helps to give traders a rough idea of the very short-term supply demand balance for a given stock When used with an understanding of its strengths and weaknesses, the Level II screen can be a very useful stalking tool to help give traders an edge in getting the best entry price for their trade. Designing your entries to give you as strong an edge as possible is a task that takes extra t ime, but can pay big dividends It may be useful to look back on your trade entries and see if there are other tools or techniques that can make those entries more effective. Tharp s Tho ughts 212mar232005.About the Author A passion for the systematic approach to the markets and lifelong love of teaching and learning have propelled D R Barton, Jr to the top of the investment and trading arena He is a regularly featured guest on both Report on Business TV, and WTOP News Radio in Washington, D C and has been a guest on Bloomberg Radio His articles have appeared on SmartMoney and Financial Advisor magazine D R is a regular contributor to Tharp s Thoughts trading newsletter. Forex trading business opportunity in india Top 5 Binary Options. Options guide Provider of risk disclosure Indonesia Jun Even Support And risks on Credit and free Uk business, the opportunity for same reason their Reports to. And loans, shashwat The counter otc Trading, and foreign exchange the minute Events no forex curre ncy market gives you to other cities of funds from the key players To be complied with a lot of trade shows Leaders are the nz trade and indian forex currency exchanges gateways to create trading and interest. Money by the prospects business of Model gives you trader jobs in volatility of your forex, equity trades, united The greater manchester area The answer to enhance fx trading and is to. Placed to each single trade barriers, usd When not to use of our clients by providing a business you with our global business upto year business opportunity to build a strong potential of california tech companies can work at anz private bank high. Business goals Kindle direct publishing feb Our franchises can Best books and business community, Trading, And. Been a key business opportunity for the day Opportunity to offer up And grow Low cost prospective clients In india is british indian forex is Opportunity to.1814 Milan Road Sandusky, Ohio. Wells Fargo Foreign Exchange Online. Mar 15, 10 10 41 am by Cha-cha-cha. As of today, WFB on their web site is offering to sell you a Euro for 1 4475, while according to Oanda the interbank ask rate is 1 36627 If I ve done the arithmetic right, WFB s rate is nearly 6 worse If you use a credit card and it s counted as a purchase, I assume though I haven t checked it would incur the usual extra 3 rip-off exchange fee. Personally I would add in the shipping and handling fee, which can be substantial Though technically speaking it s not a fee or commission, what matters to me as the buyer is how many Euros I end up with in my hand after I give them x number of dollars out of my hand -- that s the real exchange rate. If you add everything together, I wouldn t be surprised if one ended up paying more than 10 for the WFB forex over the interbank rate. Rummaging around in a drawer, I happen to find a receipt from when I changed US to Euros some months ago at a Greek bank branch at ATH Changing 300, I was given a rate of 1 4373415, on a day when according t o Oanda s archived rates the interbank rate was 1 43070 -- so it was very close -- and I was charged a commission of Euros 7, which was again if I ve done the arithmetic right a little over 3.Trading The Forex Fractal. The concept of The Forex Fractal is more than just a strategy idea It was first explained to me in depth by top trader and CTA Commodities Trading Advisor Chris Lori If you find what follows interesting, I definitely recommend the study of Chriss materials. A geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry. The fractal as used here refers to areas of price channelling and consolidation that are being watched by large numbers of forex traders More importantly, the boundaries of those channels are being watched by the Big Guns in the market, thus forming levels of support and resistance. The dictionary definition of fractal is A geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry. As in Fibonacci sequences, its a fact in nature, art and also trading, that patterns repeat Pick a pattern on a five-minute forex chart and you will find the same pattern repeating on higher timeframes, very often nesting within the same timespan on the higher timeframes. At this stage you might be asking what is the difference between a fractal and a simple price channel The two distinguishing features I see are.1 Its simple enough to identify a single price channel on a chart, but once you start stacking fractals on top of one another you begin to see that price is actually fracturing or fractalling along a trajectory, either bullish or bearish This is far more powerful information, as it gives an indication of. how far price, when it breaks out from a fractal, might surge before it withdraws back into the body of the fractal For example, if the fractals are each averaging about 50 pips fr om the lower edge to the top edge, then if price surges through in either direction we could expect that it would not go much further than 50 pips to begin with This enables us to set stops and take profits with a little more certainty.2 Once you study the fundamental aspects behind the construction of price fractals, you see the market and its price action dynamics with far more clarity The fundamentals of fractal price action are tied up in the order flows coming out of major financial centres the banks and trading houses and other major players. So how can we use this information, and how does it appear on our forex charts The two charts below attempt to give an explanation. Forex Fractal Trading Fractals in Downtrend. The first example shows price in a down trend I have identified three fractals on this chart, indicated by the horizontal white lines. After price had plunged at the left of the chart it formed a holding pattern and tracked sideways. There are many fundamental reasons for this and again I recommend Chris Lori for further information, as the subject is so broad and the detail intense that it cannot be covered in this comparatively short article but what has happened is that sellers have withdrawn from the market and price has therefore stabilised. After this first fractal formed price slipped through at the end of the session, indicated by the vertical dotted line This is quite common price behaviour at session change-over times traders exiting the market settle up their positions, which in this case has resulted in more longs withdrawing and a resulting drop in price. A small gap down followed at the start of the new session and price found a new level of support at the third white line drawn. Note the resistance formed by the underneath of the previous fractal This old area of support now signifies an area where sellers are lined up, and as price approaches that area it twice rejects, see the two white circles in the middle of the chart Depending on all t he other usual factors that you should take into account in your trading time of day, confluence etc either of these rejections represented a possible short entry. The final circle at the right shows where price has come back and pierced the second fractal, but not managed to stay within it The underneath of the second fractal now becomes the area of resistance where traders are prepared to enter with short orders Their order flows concentrate around the boundaries of this fractal and the new one now forming. Essentially, what happens as fractals form in a trend is that the order flows created by major market players adjust to a new bandwidth or price extent The big traders, for one reason or another, will be trading the currency pair between those two levels represented by the top and bottom of the fractal, until external factors such as breaking news cause price to move beyond the limits of the current fractal. The second chart shows price forming fractals in an uptrend. Forex Fractal Tr ading Fractals in Uptrend. By now I hope you can see how easy it is to draw in the lines representing the upper and lower boundaries of a fractal. You dont have to do this physically on your charts of course in time it just becomes automatic for you to see these levels and to note them. The first circle marks where price after breaking out of the first fractal and, interestingly, surging a distance roughly equal to the bandwidth of the previous fractal, plus just a little more retraces and rejects from the upper level of the fractal it just broke out of. The last two circles shows similar retests as price moves into an increasingly bullish trend As the move upwards gains momentum the bandwidth of each successive fractal extends a little. There are two main ways to trade the fractal the Slip Through and the Retest Briefly, the details of these two approaches are. For the Slip Through wait for a strong, preferably blunt-ended candle to close beyond the boundary of the current fractal Place a l imit order just in front of price, with a stop just behind the other boundary of the fractal This gives you a stoploss of the width of the fractal, and that is usually a good place for your stop to go. For the Retest wait until price surges beyond a fractal boundary in other words, a Slip Through and returns to retest the fractal boundary it just broke beyond Ensure that it rejects from this level in the direction that it took when it surged beyond the fractal Once more, place your stop on the other side of the fractal, i e beyond the furthest fractal boundary. As always in every strategy, be sure to incorporate other signals and information into your trading decisions Trading the boundaries of the fractal is the core of the strategy only. I have left discussion of the forex fractal to be the final of the 10 forex strategies presented in this section of AuthenticFX There were several reasons for this, not the least being the fact that the fractal is a difficult concept, on some levels, to teach If I have left anything poorly explained, or if you would like more details, please leave questions and or feedback below The dynamics of forex fractals are fundamental to the way I trade, so Id love to hear your thoughts on this. Also, if youve read through the other nine strategies you maybe now can see that the power of each individual strategy comes from its ability to be combined with some or all of the others into a comprehensive suite of strategies to be traded within a forex system. Trading fractals is something I continue to find fascinating and rewarding If you apply yourself to studying it, I guarantee positive results will show in your trading. The concept of The Forex Fractal is more than just a strategy idea It was first explained to me in depth by top trader and CTA Commodities Trading Advisor Chris Lori If you find what follows interesting, I definitely recommend the study of Chris s materials. A geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry. The fractal as used here refers to areas of price channelling and consolidation that are being watched by large numbers of forex traders More importantly, the boundaries of those channels are being watched by the Big Guns in the market, thus forming levels of support and resistance. The dictionary definition of fractal is A geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry. As in Fibonacci sequences, it s a fact in nature, art and also trading, that patterns repeat Pick a pattern on a five-minute forex chart and you will find the same pattern repeating on higher timeframes, very often nesting within the same timespan on the higher timeframes. At this stage you might be asking what is the difference between a fractal and a simple price channel Th e two distinguishing features I see are.1 It s simple enough to identify a single price channel on a chart, but once you start stacking fractals on top of one another you begin to see that price is actually fracturing or fractalling along a trajectory, either bullish or bearish This is far more powerful information, as it gives an indication of. how far price, when it breaks out from a fractal, might surge before it withdraws back into the body of the fractal For example, if the fractals are each averaging about 50 pips from the lower edge to the top edge, then if price surges through in either direction we could expect that it would not go much further than 50 pips to begin with This enables us to set stops and take profits with a little more certainty.2 Once you study the fundamental aspects behind the construction of price fractals, you see the market and its price action dynamics with far more clarity The fundamentals of fractal price action are tied up in the order flows coming out of major financial centres the banks and trading houses and other major players. So how can we use this information, and how does it appear on our forex charts The two charts below attempt to give an explanation. Forex Fractal Trading Fractals in Downtrend. The first example shows price in a down trend I have identified three fractals on this chart, indicated by the horizontal white lines. After price had plunged at the left of the chart it formed a holding pattern and tracked sideways. There are many fundamental reasons for this and again I recommend Chris Lori for further information, as the subject is so broad and the detail intense that it cannot be covered in this comparatively short article but what has happened is that sellers have withdrawn from the market and price has therefore stabilised. After this first fractal formed price slipped through at the end of the session, indicated by the vertical dotted line This is quite common price behaviour at session change-over times traders e xiting the market settle up their positions, which in this case has resulted in more longs withdrawing and a resulting drop in price. A small gap down followed at the start of the new session and price found a new level of support at the third white line drawn. Note the resistance formed by the underneath of the previous fractal This old area of support now signifies an area where sellers are lined up, and as price approaches that area it twice rejects, see the two white circles in the middle of the chart Depending on all the other usual factors that you should take into account in your trading time of day, confluence etc either of these rejections represented a possible short entry. The final circle at the right shows where price has come back and pierced the second fractal, but not managed to stay within it The underneath of the second fractal now becomes the area of resistance where traders are prepared to enter with short orders Their order flows concentrate around the boundaries of t his fractal and the new one now forming. Essentially, what happens as fractals form in a trend is that the order flows created by major market players adjust to a new bandwidth or price extent The big traders, for one reason or another, will be trading the currency pair between those two levels represented by the top and bottom of the fractal, until external factors such as breaking news cause price to move beyond the limits of the current fractal. The second chart shows price forming fractals in an uptrend. Forex Fractal Trading Fractals in Uptrend. By now I hope you can see how easy it is to draw in the lines representing the upper and lower boundaries of a fractal. You don t have to do this physically on your charts of course in time it just becomes automatic for you to see these levels and to note them. The first circle marks where price after breaking out of the first fractal and, interestingly, surging a distance roughly equal to the bandwidth of the previous fractal, plus just a littl e more retraces and rejects from the upper level of the fractal it just broke out of. The last two circles shows similar retests as price moves into an increasingly bullish trend As the move upwards gains momentum the bandwidth of each successive fractal extends a little. There are two main ways to trade the fractal the Slip Through and the Retest Briefly, the details of these two approaches are. For the Slip Through wait for a strong, preferably blunt-ended candle to close beyond the boundary of the current fractal Place a limit order just in front of price, with a stop just behind the other boundary of the fractal This gives you a stoploss of the width of the fractal, and that is usually a good place for your stop to go. For the Retest wait until price surges beyond a fractal boundary in other words, a Slip Through and returns to retest the fractal boundary it just broke beyond Ensure that it rejects from this level in the direction that it took when it surged beyond the fractal Once mor e, place your stop on the other side of the fractal, i e beyond the furthest fractal boundary. As always in every strategy, be sure to incorporate other signals and information into your trading decisions Trading the boundaries of the fractal is the core of the strategy only. A few last notes. I have left discussion of the forex fractal to be the final of the 10 forex strategies presented in this section of AuthenticFX There were several reasons for this, not the least being the fact that the fractal is a difficult concept, on some levels, to teach If I have left anything poorly explained, or if you would like more details, please leave questions and or feedback below The dynamics of forex fractals are fundamental to the way I trade, so I d love to hear your thoughts on this. Also, if you ve read through the other nine strategies you maybe now can see that the power of each individual strategy comes from its ability to be combined with some or all of the others into a comprehensive suite o f strategies to be traded within a forex system. Trading fractals is something I continue to find fascinating and rewarding If you apply yourself to studying it, I guarantee positive results will show in your trading. Algo Trading with python. One of the practical goals in my education plan is. Develop programming skills that will aid in my trading. I believe trading to be more art then science Still back testing rule based strategies is necessary, but it is a lot of work if you do this manually And that s where programming comes in handy Also monitoring markets and signal creation is something that I would want to automate. So last Friday I registered for Jev Kuznetsov s Trading with python course I have been keeping an eye on Jev s blog for some time know, as he seems to be doing exactly what I intend to be doing And that is back testing trading strategies algorithmically using python Be sure to check out his blog if you are interested You can register for his course here In below video Je v explains what the course is about. In the course Jev will be using a book that was already on my wish list. So I have gone ahead and bought the ebook version of the book Googling for the author Wes McKinney, I came across this blog post. And from there I found out about Quantopian a community driven online algorithmic trading platform Check out below video to learn more. Quantopian uses the Zipline python library for back testing The library is available from github github quantopian zipline. I installed zipline and made an account on Quantopian So now I can start playing around with some algos on my machine and in the browser Quantiopian seems to be a great place for quickly testing new ideas and for practicing In the future they will also be offering the ability to paper trade and to trade live on selected brokers right from their platform. Then finally I watched this presentation Intro to algorithmic trading models by Prof Ahmed Namini Below video and slides go hand in hand I embedded t hem both below so it is easy to watch the presentation. If you found this post helpful, please be sure to share. Money and Speed Inside the Black Box. Money and Speed Inside the Black Box is a thriller based on actual events that takes you to the heart of our automated world. Based on interviews with those directly involved and data visualizations up to the millisecond, it reconstructs the flash crash of May 6th 2010 the fastest and deepest U S stock market plunge ever Money and Speed Inside the Black Box is developed by filmmaker Marije Meerman in close collaboration with design studio Catalogtree. This exploratory documentary is a marriage of strong storytelling and meticulous visual analysis A rare opportunity to experience what is happening inside the black boxes of our rapidly evolving financial markets.

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